
Five Reasons Why Your Business Needs Remarketing

Difficulty: Beginner
Remarketing has quickly become a very powerful tool for marketing and advertising.
But most people don’t know what it is or what remarketing offers. Here is a beginner guide to remarketing. What is it? How can you use it? & Five Benefits outlining why your business needs remarketing. Our Google Ads expert Sam Fields has addressed these points in this video if you prefer to consume this content through an audio-visual medium:

What Is Remarketing?

When you’ve been on a website and then in the next few days you are cruising around the net and you find a banner ad or something similar like a video ad, that is that product you were looking at? That is remarketing, and its essentially stalking you.

There's A Variety Of Different Ways You Can Use Remarketing

You can use it on a search campaign, you can use it on a display campaign and you can even use it on a video campaign. You can also set it up using google analytics, which allows you to segment parts of your website and become hyper-specific with your advertising.

5 Benefits Of Remarketing:

1. Improved Brand Recall
Remarketing serves as a great tool for reminding potential patrons of your brand. This kind of advertising helps create an on-going reminder of your brand. Perhaps even more importantly, you can remarket display ads to recall a message viewed on the original website and display reminder ads throughout the web.
2. Improved Conversion Rates
Say you had a 10% conversion rate on your website which of course is awesome. But that means that 90% of the people who are visiting your site haven’t purchased, even though they were interested enough to get to your site. You want to get that second bite of the pie everyday of the week. Out of those 90% maybe they’ll come back and maybe they’ll purchase when they see that display ad
3. Audience Targeting
Having tools at your disposal to target a specific audience with a specific message is extremely important. Marketers can use remarketing ads to communicate with a specific audience through display advertising or text ads. For example, a remarketing tag can be installed so that only visitors that conduct a certain action within your website are targeted.
4. Improved Relevancy of Ads
One of the key reasons remarketing works so well is that it gives marketers the ability to deliver ads based on previous actions. For example, if a visitor lands on a specific product page, a remarketing ad of that specific product can be displayed across the internet to that prospective customer. Likewise, using behaviour segmentation, a message appropriate to a web visitor can be displayed instead of a generic and non-specific ad message, meaning you can appeal to the interests of your visitors.
5. Reduce Loss
One of the most salient features is that remarketing allows your business to reengage visitors that are no longer browsing your site. Both brand recall and brand engagement are the beneficiaries of this point. Remarketing hands your business a second chance to bring a prospect back into the fold. Coupled with SEO, social referrals or standard ads, remarketing can act as a secondary line of attraction to your brand. Reduction of loss is powerful not just because you are preventing the loss of leads, but because users who have previously visited your website and come back, may have a higher potential for conversion.


If you want to learn what kind of remarketing is going to be best for your business, you can check out our page about Google Ads Management Brisbane!

Let Us Help

If you want a team of dedicated experts to oversee this process for you and aid you in any other digital marketing or website related problems, be sure to Contact Us and we’ll do what we can to help.

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