Matter Solutions Logo (Simple Version)
Visible VenturesBuilding Assets using Digital Marketing, Drop-shipping and affiliate websites. Furniture & Giftwares store selling face masks

GardenWizardShop.comE-commerce store selling garden and outdoor products


Campaign & Projects Manager

Victoria is the primary Account & Project Manager at Matter Solutions, before joining the team in 2015 she was was an administrator for 12 years working closely with executives and CEOs and was able to transfer those skills very quickly to Digital Marketing.  Using those strong organisational skills she is able to manage client budgets efficiently and effectively to achieve lasting results.


Victoriax is an experienced Account & Project Manager at Matter Solutions. With a passion for bringing people's dreams to life, Victoria takes pride in providing advice and options and then bringing the dream to life. Victoria is a natural problem solver so often clients will come to her for assistance.

In addition to being the primary Account & Project Manager, in no particular order, you will also find Victoria doing.... 


Project Management
Social Media Marketing
Workpace Health & Safety
First Aid & CPR

FAvourite things

TikTok & Canva

TV Show

Place to Eat
GYG, Nodo, Harajuku Gyoza

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