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February 7, 2017

Matter Solutions' Staff Coffee Orders

Published: 7 February 2017 

Here at Matter Solutions, going for a coffee run in the morning is a pretty regular occurrence. Some of our staff just seem to function at their best after having a coffee.

So, I decided to find out what our team is actually drinking. I wanted to find out what their usual coffee order is, how that order came to be the favourite drink, and what the ideal substitute is.


OrderWater. I don’t drink caffeine. I gave it up so I can sleep like a baby. 

How it came to beI used to drink long black ... dropping sugar and milk was part of trying to lose weight. It didn’t work.

SubstituteI love coca-cola but avoid it because of the caffeine too.


Order: Flat white or long black.

How it came to beIt’s nice to have a bit of milk with the coffee at times, otherwise the long black is a great way to enjoy the presence and taste of the bean.



Order: Hot chocolate.

How it came to be: Because I don't like coffee.

Substitute: Iced chocolate? Or just plain ol' water.


Order: Hot chocolate.

How it came to beWho doesn’t like chocolate? When you don’t like coffee and you do like chocolate it’s the perfect substitute. 

Substitute: A milkshake.


Order: I prefer iced coffee but when ordering coffee out usually a flat white.

How it came to beWell I’ve always preferred iced coffee because of the heat! As for the flat white, I really don’t order coffee that much and it seems the generic one to go for (I haven’t really experimented!).

Substitute: A cup of tea.


Order: Long black with a dash of milk, or soy latte extra shot.

How it came to beMy old retail manager got me onto long blacks because sometimes a latte is too milky (even with soy). Been ordering extra shots in all my coffee’s since I was 13, because everywhere I go never make the coffee strong enough for my liking. So now it’s second nature to say it regardless. Bear Bones are the exception to this rule.

SubstituteI have no substitutes because I need coffee on the daily (although I will go matcha green tea on occasion).


Order: Large Zymil Vanilla Latte

How it came to beWent from Cap to Zymil Cap, wanted to try something else, never went back

SubstituteLarge Zymil Chai


Order: Mine changes with Season. I have an Iced Zymil Vanilla Latte in Summer, a Zymil Latte with two teaspoons of sugar in Winter, Pumpkin spice latte in October and a Gingerbread latte at Christmas time.

How it came to beMy orders have been sculpted and manipulated with time. They are the way they are mostly because I like to make it hard for the person making the coffee run. The cost of such a fantastically derived coffee order? Being perceived as pretentious - small price to pay ‘ey?

SubstituteAnything with bubbles. I’m a sucker for Coke.


Order: Just a big ole normie ordering large flat whites on the reg. 


Order: Large long black

How it came to be: How it came to that is a long story. I’ll shorten it, though. I used to drink Cappuccino because my dad drank them. I also used to put 4 sugars into it. When I tried losing weight, I read heaps on the subject and male athletes that drank only black coffee in the morning performed better than those who had breakfast. I stopped drinking caps because I’m an athlete. Why is it my fave? Cause I now know what is good coffee and what isn’t, due to actually tasting the coffee.

Substitute: There is no substitute for a good coffee.

What do you order? Let us know in the comments. 




Ben Maden

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